dates milkshake recipe | date shake recipe | khajoor shake | khajoor milk


dates milkshake recipe | date shake recipe | khajoor shake | khajoor milk with detailed photo and video recipe. healthy and filling milkshake recipe prepared mainly with seedless dates or khajoor. it is typically prepared during the fasting festival season like navaratri or during the holy month of eid season. the combination of milk and dates provides the necessary energy and nutrients while fasting.
dates milkshake recipe

dates milkshake recipe | date shake recipe | khajoor shake | khajoor milk with step by step photo and video recipe. milkshake recipes or shake recipes are very common in india especially during the summer season. it can be either prepared with any seasonal fruit available or perhaps with an ice cream. but dates milkshake is a unique beverage beverage which supplies necessary nutrients with lowering the body temperature.

to be honest, i am not a huge fan of this dates milkshake recipe and i feel it very pale as a beverage drink with less creaminess in it. but it is one of the favorite drink for my husband and he prefers it especially after his cardio workout. according to him it is complete drink and especially very filling because of the combination of milk and dates in it. he even recommends this drink an alternative to the artificial powdered protein shake which is typically consumed after heavyweights. well i cannot assert that but it does supply all the nutrients and energy especially after workout. and more importantly that is one of the main reason it is served during the festival season of fasting. as a matter of fact, it is one of the must drink during the iftar and ramadan season.

date shake recipe

perhaps, dates milkshake recipe is one of the easiest shake recipe, yet few tips and variations while serving. firstly, in this recipe i have not added extra sugar keeping it healthy and sugar free. but it is not mandatory and you can add 1 tbsp or accordingly to match your sweetness preference. secondly, you can add both dry or wet dates to this khajoor shake, but the wet are more preferred and gets easily blended with milk. also ensure to use the seedless dates and remove if you have seeds in your dates. lastly, as a variation you can add a scoop of vanilla ice cream while blending the shake. in addition you can top the shake with whipped cream to make it more presentable.

finally, i would like to highlight my other beverages recipes collection with this post of dates milkshake recipe. it includes recipes like, mango milkshake, cold coffee, thandai recipe, badam milk, kashaya recipe, grape juice, kokum juice, mango lassi, spiced buttermilk and sweet lassi. further do visit my other related recipes collection like,

dates milkshake video recipe:

Must Read:

recipe card for date shake or khajoor shake:

dates milkshake recipe

dates milkshake recipe | date shake recipe | khajoor shake | khajoor milk

easy dates milkshake recipe | date shake recipe | khajoor shake | khajoor milk
5 from 193 votes
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Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 2 minutes
Total Time 3 minutes
Course beverages
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2 Servings


  • 10 dates / khajoor, seedless
  • 3 cup milk, chilled
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon powder / dalchini powder


  • firstly, in a blender take 10 seedless dates.
  • add 3 cup chilled milk, ¼ tsp cinnamon powder.
  • blend to smooth milkshake. add ice cream / ice cubes for rich texture.
  • finally, serve dates milkshake garnished with few chopped dates.

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how to make dates milkshake with step by step photo:

  1. firstly, in a blender take 10 seedless dates.
    dates milkshake recipe
  2. add 3 cup chilled milk, ¼ tsp cinnamon powder.
    date shake recipe
  3. blend to smooth milkshake. add ice cream / ice cubes for rich texture.
    khajoor shake
  4. finally, serve dates milkshake garnished with few chopped dates.
    date shake recipe


  • firstly, if you do not like the cinnamon flavour, use vanilla extract/cardamom powder.
  • also, add sugar if you like the milkshake to be sweeter.
  • additionally, add ice cream to make milkshake more creamy and rich.
  • finally, dates milkshake tastes great when served chilled.
5 from 193 votes (193 ratings without comment)