maggi noodles recipe | maggi masala recipe 4 ways | cheese maggi & vegetable maggi with step by step photo and video recipe. maggi noodles have always been one of the popular noodles recipes since its launch by nestle. each country in the world has its own type and variation from the nestle brand which are generally tailored for local taste buds. but in india it is special and comes with masala tastemaker which can be further extended to many variations and this post covers 4 basic popular maggi recipes.
poha paratha recipe | poha aloo ke roti | poha ke thepla recipe with step by step photo and video recipe. thepla or masala roti's are not new to the Indian cuisine and are widely prepared across india for different purposes. these are generally prepared with one leafy or normal vegetable with additional seasoning and spices. but then it can also be extended to make a unique paratha or thepla roti by adding pohe and aloo to the roti dough or wheat flour dough.
coconut burfi recipe with jaggery | coconut barfi with jaggery | jaggery barfi with step by step photo and video recipe. barfi recipes are one of the popular and sought indian sweet recipes for almost all occasions. it is known for its taste and texture which is generally derived from the white sugar crystals which can have health implications. this can be mitigated with other healthy alternatives and jaggery based sweets like the coconut burfi recipe with jaggery is one such healthy option.
bhindi masala recipe | bhindi ki gravy recipe | okra masala curry with step by step photo and video recipe. okra or bhindi is a versatile vegetable and is used in different types of indian recipes. even though it is very well appreciated in indian cuisine, it can be tricky to prepare as it releases the sticky latex while cooking. keeping all those in considerations, i am posting a rich and creamy gravy recipe known as bhindi masala recipe or okra masala curry.
Cast iron Tawa has been used since ancient times. Many of us prefer non-stick Tawa over Cast iron Tawa as usage of oil is less, less sticking of dosa on the pan, ease of use, etc. We prefer to get along with the trend. When non-stick pans were introduced to the marketplace cast iron Tawa started losing its popularity. But now cast iron Tawa's is gaining its popularity back. Some of us who already have cast iron Tawa lying on the shelf left it to rust since the usage of non-stick Tawa has been more. Handling cast iron Tawa is important. You have to take care and maintain it in certain ways so that it doesn't get rust. If it has rust on it can be removed too. Let us see more about cast iron Tawa further in this article.
A Pressure cooker works on a basic principle where the water boils to its highest temperature and the temperature inside the cooker is maintained while the food gets cooked. You can use a pressure cooker to pressure cook or saute, not much of an option available. Talking about handling the cooker you will have to be accurate about the amount of liquid you put in it otherwise it will be messy, chances of liquid oozing out is more. you get different models and sizes. For a well-experienced cook handling a pressure cooker isn't a big deal. Some of them prefer sticking to older methods of cooking even if technology has been advanced.